Sunday, June 9, 2013


Chapter 16 was a tough chapter for me to read, because a little over a year ago, I lost my wonderful dad to one the the worst forms of cancer there is - pancreatic.  It was interesting to me how much this chapter reflected the emotions and the steps of the grief process that myself and my family have gone through and are still going through.  My personal belief is that we will all be reunited with our loved ones.  We might leave our bodies behind, but our souls will make the transition to a different plane (heaven).  This makes sense to me, since we are all made of energy and energy never dies, it just takes on a different form.  I do wonder if our loved ones and others can come back to visit us, whether as a ghost or another form of life.  I know that there's been a lot of research done on this subject and I would like to believe that there is someway to communicate with our loved ones in the afterlife, but it makes me wonder how and what kind of methods could be used to receive actual proof of this phenonomen.

I guess if I could talk to the authors of this text I would ask them why more isn't being done in our society to educate and discuss different death experiences and the methods of dealing with grief.  Why aren't there coping strategies that are acutually taught as part of a school curriculum starting at about the age of six? 

I learned from this chapter that the grief process isn't a step-by-step series of emotions where you proceed through each step in a certain order.  A person can actually go back and forth between certain emotions many times before their grieving process ends and sometimes it can take many years (if ever) to move on and rebuild their life without their loved one.  Now that I have this information it will help me help my mom through her grieving process as she mourns my dad.

Losing my dad was one of my greatest fears in life and unfortunately it came true and I've had to deal with it, a lot sooner than I ever thought I was going to have to - he was only 69 years old.  It was an awful disease that took his life prematurely.  However, he did get to be in his own home when he passed; hospice helped him with his pain management and maintaining his dignity.  I can vouch for hospice as being an extremely wonderful, compassionate organization that helped both my dad and our family in his final days.  His death was not a very peaceful one, but at least he was surrounded by my mom, sister, and myself as he passed to the other side, where he was free from suffering and finally at peace.

I think, if I had unlimited resources, I would research and investigate different mediums and their authenticity, and if I found any that seemed to be credible, I would try to use them to communicate with my dad.  What piqued my curiosity is, what did he see as he left this reality that we live in?  Was it a long tunnel with a bright light at the end, like I've heard and read about in near death experiences. or was it other family members and friends that had gone before him, ready to help him with the next part of his journey?  I don't know, none of us really do, we can speculate all we want, but until it's our turn, it will remain a mystery. 


  1. I too have always wondered what people saw or experienced as their soul was leaving their body. In every situation i have read about or heard about it was always the light at the end of the tunnel. but that's a good point, is it just a light? or is your family or friends that have passed before at the end of the tunnel in the light waiting? Im sorry for the loss off your father!

  2. I now know to what the steps are to a grieving individual and i can not begin to even say i know how you feel about loosing someone. However I did learn that all people go through the steps of grieving and that everyone goes trough it in a different way no matter if it was expected or not...

  3. I can't imagine what an official grade-school curriculum for death would look like. Death is such a personal and subjective thing, whatever you said to the kids would infuriate at least half the parents. Also, it's not in the character of our society. We're the society that sends nearly-dead people off to homes, and relentlessly advertises to 18- to 34-year-olds. Other cultures incorporate death, but ours doesn't.

    Don't get me wrong - I really like the idea. I just can't picture it in this country.

    I like what you say about the grieving process not being step-by-step. The other useful thing I got from the book: everything isn't "all better" when the grieving ends. It's closer to "learning to live with the loss." You and your family suffered an enormous loss, and it'll always be a part of you.

    I've loved reading your blog, Kim. Good luck!

    1. I have often wondered what the experience would be like while dying and the after-life. I believe in a greater existence than this and that this world is some sort of test. I think people need to have faith to cope with the death of a loved one, without hope I think it would be very difficult. You may have heard of it already but a really good book I read was called The Shack. If you haven't read it may make you feel better about dying if you can get through the first part which is very sad and a little slow in the beginning but well worth the read. Have a good Summer!

    2. Marci,
      Thanks for your reply! Yes, I have read the book The Shack and it really did help me deal with the pain and anguish I was feeling over my dad's diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. I have to believe that there is something far greater on the other side, and I agree with you that this world is some sort of test we have to go through!

      Take care!
